The Wrd 4 2dy is “Listen”
The wrd Listen is “The act of paying attention to a sound, or making an effort to hear something” i.e. b/4 something can have real significance in our lives, we need to pay attention to detail.
Many 2dy profess to know God, but truth need be said there are no signs in their lives to prove that they know Him or have a true relationship with Him.
In any relationship that is working of which peace, joy and health is obvious one would find true communication at work. True communication is the process of not only speaking but knowing to listening.
2dy many ask questions how do I know when God is speaking & I often ask 1) do you pray to Him 2) How do you pray & 3) as there ever been a time in ur prayer when it’s not about you?. Many answer as follows 1) Yes I Pray 2) I pray for myself and family 3) well I pray for others & the community.
Friends the true act of prayer is not all about asking but also about coming to His presence & waiting on Him to speak. James 1: 19 encourages us to be swift at hearing and slow to speak. When we know to listen in our relationships, we would be amazed at what we would hear and surprised at what we have taken for granted and why things have been the way they are.
Let’s make our prayer 2dy be about waiting to hear & nothing more & I pray that heaven will open to us that which is long over due.
Love & Peace