Our mission as a ministry goes beyond the walls of our institution and our nation to the entire world. We aim at establishing and fulfilling the will of our father in our generation via the following:
- That people accept Christ as their personal Lord & Saviour – (John 3:16)
- That people know the essence and purpose of their existence in life – (Jeremiah 1:1-9)
- That people would identify their potentials i.e. in the area of gifting and talents that God has endowed them with. – (1Corothians 12: 4 )
- That people would accomplish their God given destiny.-( John 4: 34, John 17: 4, John 19: 30, Acts 20: 24)
- That people would not only find Christ and accomplish their destiny, but are confident of ascension at the second coming of our Lord. – (1 Thessalonians 4: 17)