The wrd 4 2dy is “Hurt”
The wrd hurt means “to cause mental or emotional sufferings.
This suffering is always in Ur heart/soul where Ur mind, will, emotions & actions are deliberated. Many are living from their soul & thus circumstances that trigger mental & emotional heartache will always affect them.
Prov 4: 23 – encourages us to guard our heart with all diligence 4 out of it flows d issues of life.
My friend d best way to guard Ur heart, is to look at why God d father isn’t hurt with d current state of His creation. Simple, God operates from love; when you operate from love, it wld be difficult 4 anyone to hurt or offend u.
1Jh 4 says God is love & 1Cor 13: 7-8 says love bears all things & endures all things…..
To avoid being hurt or disappointed which leads to mental or emotional suffering; 2dy make a conscious decision to start living & operating Ur life in d true love of God called Agape.
Agape is loving with d absence of condition, it’s loving totally & wholly.
May d Lord help u IJN (Amen)
Remain strong