Foolishness – Wrd 4 2dy

The Wrd 4 2dy is “foolishness” The dict defines foolish as when “a person lacks good sense of judgement, unwise, silly ridiculous etc” The wrd fool is mentioned about 69times in d bible & foolish is mentioned about 48times. As a student of...

Poverty – Wrd 4 2dy

The wrd 4 2dy is “Poverty” The wrd poverty means 1) The state of being extremely poor, or 2) The state of being inferior in quality or insufficient amount. B/4 d charismatic era to be poor was a sign of true holiness & closeness to God, h/ever with d...

Hurt – Wrd 4 2dy

The wrd 4 2dy is “Hurt” The wrd hurt means “to cause mental or emotional sufferings. This suffering is always in Ur heart/soul where Ur mind, will, emotions & actions are deliberated. Many are living from their soul & thus circumstances that...