The Wrd 4 2dy is “Attitude”
The wrd attitude means:- A persons settled way of thinking, which is reflected in his/her behaviour or A positive or Negative evaluation of people.
Do you know the way you behave is a reflection of how you think, scriptures says “as a man thinketh in his heart so is he”; what you constantly expose yourself to after a while would have an impact on your behaviour and people’s evaluation of you. Once again the scriptures states in 1Cor 15: 33 that “be not deceived, evil communication corrupts good manners”. Your set up, your friends, the people you hang out with after a while would impact your analysis of life and your reaction to it.
Friends have you lately evaluated your life and what people think about you, have you been bold enough to ask your family and closest friends their thoughts of you, afterall they are most likely to give you an honest evaluation of your behaviour. Even Jesus in trying to Evaluate the effectiveness of His assignment asked His close pals His disciples “who do men say that I am” and when they are all done with different perspective of peoples thoughts of Jesus, then he followed on with another question “Who do you say that I am..”
2dy let’s evaluate our attitudes and determine the effectiveness of our assignment on earth. A negative impression can crash the direction of a multimillion dollar assignment. God has invested so much into you so get yourself on track and not off track with your attitude.
I pray the Lord gives you wisdom on the things you discover of yourself and an obedient heart to respond in love to them for a positive direction of your assignment IJN.